Friday, December 7, 2012

Glimmers Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

Today the promotional tour for Glimmers by Barbara Brooke is stopping by the blog, and I have the pleasure of bringing you an excerpt to effectively whet your appetite and hopefully inspire you to give this book a try!

After trying on a pair of vintage boots, Paige discovers she has the ability to “glimmer” into another person’s life. The boots once belonged to a girl who was from another place and another time, and Paige is about to relive an important moment of this young country girl’s life.

I stand, and the room shifts. My hand clutches the counter, and everything swirls around me: chairs, dishes, faucet and my coveted coffee maker. It revolves faster and faster, making me dizzy. I squeeze my eyes shut. This isn’t right. Something is terribly wrong. Okay, I need concentrate on my breathing: one, two, three. This isn’t working. Finally, when the room feels like it has stopped spinning, I reopen my eyes.

I’m in the kitchen, but not in my kitchen. Where am I? The cabinets are replaced by dark Formica. The walls are plastered with beige wallpaper overflowing with images of fruit and birds. Is that an avocado-green stove? I haven’t seen one of those in decades. I’m standing on gray linoleum. My boots, now those I recognize. 

Hmm, something smells yummy in here. I wonder what’s simmering on that green stove. I inhale deeply and pick apart the scrumptious fragrance. Ooh, I can smell a sautéed onion, along with stewed tomatoes and bell peppers. Strange, this isn’t my nose; it must belong to someone else.

All right, I had to have slipped and hit my head. Surely, I’m hallucinating and this is just an illusion. Strange—I’m aware of someone else’s thoughts and feel the motion of her body. Yes, it must be a female. I can hear her boots crossing the floor. No, I mean my boots. This has to be a dream. 

Frantically, I search for a reflective surface. This is difficult, because I have little control. I can’t move! Thank goodness, she’s looking for a mirror ... hold on. How do I know this?

Long, delicate fingers reach for a cabinet door. It opens, and attached inside is a round mirror. Wow. I’m not me. I mean, this is not me. I don’t have strawberry-blond hair, light freckles, and a soft pouty mouth ... and I’m definitely not a teenager.

Delilah’s Story, June 1988
Lewisburg, West Virginia

“I’m not sure what you’re makin’, but it sure does smell good.”

“Shep, when are you gonna learn to stop sneaking up on people?” I admonish, turning away from the mirror.

“It’s Dad to you—not Shep,” my dad says with a smile, and I notice again how his weathered face tells a tale all on its own; he has spent his entire life working hard outdoors, while raising a daughter all on his own. His salt-and-pepper hair is matted to his forehead, beads of sweat cling to his skin, and his white T-shirt and jeans are smudged with dirt from the day.

Thanks so much for sharing the excerpt with us Barbara! More information on Barbara and Glimmers can be found here:

Amazon Buy Link


Thanks to CBB Book Promotions and Barbara Brooke I have one paperback copy of Glimmers and a cute little treasure box to give away on the blog today! To enter, please just leave a comment on the post with a valid email address so I can contact you if you win. This giveaway is international and will run through midnight EST on Friday, December 14th after which time a winner will be chosen and emailed. Good luck everyone!

A simple touch and suddenly, Paige is in the past - living someone else's life, seeing the world through their eyes, and feeling their deepest emotions.

Paige used to think memories only existed in one's mind. But now, she knows better. She can't explain how or why, but she has glimmers: special moments that have remained behind - clinging to a letter, a ring, even a worn-out pair of boots.

When Paige returns from each glimmer, a small part of her has changed. Who is this gourmet cook, fashion designer, feisty lover? And how is she supposed to explain this to her family without them thinking she has completely lost her mind?

Paige thought her new talent was a gift, until…she was suddenly transported into her sister’s memory, and caught a glimmer of her secret life.

Take this humorous and romantic journey, as Paige learns about true love through the lives of three extraordinary women.


  1. I have never heard of this book before!But it sounds beautiful and the trailer is adorable!!!

  2. That book trailer is so cute! I love the music and the sketchy drawings :)


  3. I love this book already! Now to find me some vintage boots ...

  4. Love the cover and excerpt...thanks for sharing and for the giveaway chance!

  5. Very nice giveaway and a cute little box.

    mllmogaml at gmx dot com

  6. Oh this has definitely whet my appetite Jenny, at first I thought that it sounded similar to Jumper that she could teleport from place to place, but she can live through someone else's life? That sounds so scary and incredible at the same time! Thanks for sharing this excerpt with us Jenny! :)

  7. wow it's so cute!! thanks for this giveaway!

  8. Ooh, interesting concept. Kind of like those who have the ability to touch an object and "see" who had it (I can't remember what that's called). Takes it a step!

  9. This sounds really intriguing - and a very different way of getting to know other people! Glimmers wasn't on my radar before but now it is - thanks for sharing!


  10. This sounds absolutely wonderful! Light-hearted, but captivating. I love the idea of magical boots, I always knew there was a reason why I keep buying so many shoes. I bet some of mine can take me places too. (Yeah, like, to work.)

    Adding this to my poor, never-ending tbr.

  11. Great excerpt! Enter me please!

    bwithbite at gmail dot com

  12. I appreciate all of the inspiring comments from your readers ~ I even watched my book trailer (it has been a while). The illustrations are the chapter headers from the book.
    Thanks for inviting me to your blog.

  13. Ooooh! Very cool! Sounds great and I hadn't heard of it before! Thanks for the giveaway! {at} gmail {dot} com

  14. That excerpt is very intriguing! I haven't heard much about this book, but it sounds like an interesting read. I'm going to add it to my never-ending to-read list! Thanks for sharing the excerpt and the book trailer, Jenni! :)

  15. Would be a great way for some people to increase empathy. You couldn't help but have some with that ability. Interesting concept!

  16. I love this excerpt because Delilah was my favorite 'glimmer'. I think this is such a great book and is a great escape for us adults (well, and teens too!). I like to imagine that my boots (very similar looking actually!) could glimmer me into someone's life...
    Thanks so much for hosting a stop on the tour Jenny!

  17. I love the excerpt and the trailer. You have me hooked. Now I need to read the book to get the full story. Great job! rmkrejsa(at)aol(dot)com

  18. What an interesting concept for this book. I really like it. I almost did not stop by today, as I thought this was a book I am familiar with, but then said just check out what is going on and am I glad I did. I love finding new and interesting reads and Glimmers definitely meets the bill. Thank you for sharing with us and for the awesome giveaway opportunity. dz59001[at]gmail[dot]com

  19. What a unique idea for a novel. I like the idea of her experiencing other people's lives through glimmering. Really beautiful cover.

  20. Sounds really good!! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  21. This sounds really neat! I'd love to win Glimmers. :)

    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  22. I've never heard of this book before but it sounds AWESOME!<3
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  23. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with this book already. Everything visual (the trailer and the book) grabbed my attention and held it! I loved the blurb and can't wait to read the book!

    Val Pearosn
    lastnerve2000 at gmail dot com

  24. What a beautiful cover! And charming treasure box. I think this year is the year of time travel! I like it if it isn't too complicated. This one doesn't sound too complicated. I'd love to read it. I like the excerpt.
    I knew a Shep once, older than me and he was a very nice man.

    You've got my email

  25. This sounds like a great book. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  26. Thanks for sharing! This sounds fantastic :)


  27. This sounds so cool. I'd love to win a copy. Thanks for the excerpt and the opportunity. carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx

  28. Loved the trailer. Sounds interesting. Would love to win. Thanks for the giveaway.

  29. Oh *sigh* that's a gorgeous image! And I've always loved the idea of transporting oneself into another body and life. I adore the excerpt and this book sounds really lovely, Jenny! Thanks for sharing, dear. :)

  30. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! Glimmers sounds really good and I hope to read it soon! A pair of boots giving someone the ability to go into someone else's life... to good to ask for! Thank you for this great chance to win!

  31. this story sounds like a read id enjoy very much! i love the concept of the book! Thanks so much for sharing with us!!


    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  32. What a fascinating idea for a story.


  33. Wow, this sounds like an interesting premise. Sort of reminds me of Evie's power in The Diviners. :)

  34. This is the first of hearing of this book/author and I am definitely adding it to my TBR pile. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Merry Christmas,

  35. Amazing trailer, the song is great.
    Glimmers sounds really good, I liked the Delilah’s Story.

    Thank you for the giveaway!
    artgiote at gmail dot com

  36. First time I have ever heard about this book, it has been added to my list. Thanks for the great information :)
