Thursday, December 13, 2012

Review: Tempest

Tempest #1
Julie Cross
Young Adult/Time Travel
352 pages
St. Martin's Press
Released in paperback this week!
Received from Through The Looking Glass for blog tour

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
The year is 2009.  Nineteen-year-old Jackson Meyer is a normal guy… he’s in college, has a girlfriend… and he can travel back through time. But it’s not like the movies – nothing changes in the present after his jumps, there’s no space-time continuum issues or broken flux capacitors – it’s just harmless fun.

That is… until the day strangers burst in on Jackson and his girlfriend, Holly, and during a struggle with Jackson, Holly is fatally shot. In his panic, Jackson jumps back two years to 2007, but this is not like his previous time jumps. Now he’s stuck in 2007 and can’t get back to the future.

Desperate to somehow return to 2009 to save Holly but unable to return to his rightful year, Jackson settles into 2007 and learns what he can about his abilities.

But it’s not long before the people who shot Holly in 2009 come looking for Jackson in the past, and these “Enemies of Time” will stop at nothing to recruit this powerful young time-traveler.  Recruit… or kill him.

Piecing together the clues about his father, the Enemies of Time, and himself, Jackson must decide how far he’s willing to go to save Holly… and possibly the entire world.

Tempest, like most time travel books, raises a series of fascinating philosophical questions; ones that start out fairly simple with various what-ifs, but the longer we think on them, the more complex they become until we’ve tangled ourselves in to a series of intriguing knots that keep us entertained for the duration of the story and long after. As fun, and sometimes mind-numbing, as pondering the ramifications of time travel can be, a perhaps more interesting aspect of Tempest is its focus on Jackson’s romance with Holly, as his return to the past alters his initial meeting with her and creates an entirely new path for their relationship to tread. It’s engrossing to watch as Jackson tries to charm a girl who’s already his two years in the future, and we can’t help but wonder how this change of events will affect them as a couple.

One of the more complex questions that arises from Jackson and Holly's unique situation is if love is in some ways circumstantial – are there such things as the right time and the right place to meet someone? Have certain events occurred in our lives to shape us into the people we are currently, thereby allowing us to fit snugly with someone else when we might not otherwise without those specific pieces in place? It’s made clear to us that the Holly of 2007 is a different young woman than the Holly of 2009, a spontaneity to this younger version that 009 Holly has traded in for a more reserved and careful demeanor, making her an almost entirely separate character from the girl we first meet. Thinking about Jackson’s struggle to adapt his feelings for the woman he knows intimately to the one that’s currently standing before him is something that keeps us up late at night, questioning our own lives and relationships and how they might have been if just one tiny event in our lives had turned out differently.

With many time travel stories, the sheer weight of possibility sits heavy on our shoulders, the aforementioned what-ifs at times requiring us to take a step away from the story to get our thoughts in order before we tackle the infinite complexity of defying time once again. Luckily for us with this tale, Ms. Cross manages to present the rules and parameters of her time travel world in rather simplistic fashion, not so simplistic as it feels dumbed-down or as though she’s speaking slowly to make sure we understand, but rather she gradually introduces us to the theories put forth by Jackson and friend Adam to give us ample time to absorb information before we move on to the next complication.

Overall, Tempest is a story that leaves a great deal of space in between the lines on the pages, providing us with plenty of room to make interpretations, question motives, and watch as the line between the good guys and bad guys blurs the harder we stare at it. We’re riveted from page one and never lose interest until we reach the last page, the conclusion of this first installment leaving our hearts full to bursting with questions and objections, even as we recognize the reasoning behind Jackson’s decisions. Only a month left until the release of Vortex, and it certainly cannot get in my hands quickly enough.

Rating: 4/5

*Be sure and check back tomorrow for a character interview with Jackson and a giveaway!


  1. Loved this book and I especially loved Jackson! I cannot wait for Vortex to come out!

  2. I loved this one too, Jenny. Jackson wasn't a very good boyfriend at first until he got a wake-up call. I liked seeing the change. The ending killed me. I can't wait for Vortex either. I didn't realize it was coming so soon. Wonderful review. :)

    1. THE ENDING RACHEL!!!! *dies* Vortex just can't come out soon enough:)

  3. I'm really glad you enjoyed this one too! I really loved the characters and romance and time travel is always a favorite but I did have a hard time keeping it straight in this one. I don't remember now how things worked but it seems like the time travel rules or whatever were rather confusing. I will have to do a reread before I read the next one since I forgot so much.

    1. I'd read this one at the end of a string of time travel books, and the "rules" of time travel in this case were the easiest to understand of any of the books I'd read, so I think that's why I wasn't quite as lost:)

  4. I can't believe I haven't read this one yet! It definitely sounds like the book for me. I absolutely love time travel stories, but am always disappointed when the author doesn't explore the ramifications and complexities of time travel - it feels like they're taking the easy way out! It's an incredibly complex subject and I feel it should be treated as such, like with this one. And that's what makes me SO interested in reading this. Ohh, fab review, Jenny!!

    1. I love time travel stories too, and I really liked how the traveling worked in this story. It felt almost plausible to me:)

  5. Sounds cool :) I had not thought about it, but yes quite a few different sort of time travel books out there

    1. There are! And I thought this was a great one:)

  6. I loved this one when it came out last year! I know a lot of people didn't but you raise some really great points about the philosophical aspects of love and who we are. You went a bit deeper than me. I certainly am looking forward to the sequel Vortex this year. Maybe I'll try to look at it more philosophically like you, but I doubt it. I'll just run right through it anxious to get to the end. This was a truly great review! One of your best! I'll let the 12-13 crowd know about it!!
    They may name a day after you!


    1. This one just made me think you know? If I had done something slightly different in my life, would the person I was as a result still be such a great fit with my husband? If he had met me 2 years later, would things have still worked out? Obviously there's no answer, but it was interesting to think about while reading Jackson's story.

  7. Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Jenny! I've been meaning to read it for awhile, so I definitely plan to pick it up. I love that this book made you think so much, especially as thought-provoking novels are some of my favorites, so I'm excited to start this. Amazing review, dear!(:

    1. Time travel stories always make me think, and then on top of that were all the questions about the Holly of 2007 and the Holly of 2009 and how she fit with Jackson:)

  8. I thought this one was pretty good, but I remember finding the 'time travel rules' quite confusing at times. I think I might need a recap before I read the next book!

    1. Like I was telling Candace, I had just finished Sapphire Blue and found the "rules" of time travel in that one to be SUPER confusing (mostly because it had been a while since I'd read book 1) so the rules in this books seemed far simpler by comparison.

  9. Time travel can be so hit or miss with me but I do like the idea of right time, right place love. And darn those time paradoxes!

  10. Didn't this book have a different cover when it was published? Umm.. Maybe I'm just delusional, heh. Anyway, I loved loved loved The Time Traveller's Wife - one of my all time favorites! But I wasn't that excited about this one before your review, so you can be pleased - your work is done! You definitely got me excited with this one:)

    1. Yes it did! The above is the redesigned cover for the paperback release, it matches the cover for the hardback cover of Vortex which releases in January. The hardback cover for Tempest is still the same I believe:)

  11. I enjoy time travel, and love the questioned this raised, I may grab both books when the new one comes out..awesome review

  12. I enjoy time travel books but do find that many times I get bogged downb in the logistics and enjoy them a bit less because of that. I love the idea here though of exploring how we change over time and the whole "right time" element that you mention.

  13. Oh Jenny once again I'm one of the last people to read this book! But the premise sounds truly fascinating. I don't think I've read many time-travelling book, but I love how this book makes you ponder so many different aspects of Jackson's relationship with Holly, like will all the steps he takes affect their relationship in the future? I love books which make you put your thinking caps on! Brilliant review Jenny! :)

  14. So excited for the next book! I love the way this book ended. Time travel books always get me on the edge of my seat.

  15. I thought of picking this one up for quite some time, but I hesitated because of all the hype surrounding it when it was published. I think I'll give it a shot once I clear my current mountain of reads.

  16. Such an amazing review, Jenny! Tempest is one of those books I loved against all odds (time travel is usually not my thing, I guess I'm not smart enough to figure it all out), and I agree with everything you chose to point out, especially the part about JAckson and Holly's relationship.

  17. I am such a sucker for a good time travel read, so I enjoyed this one overall. I think I'll need a re-cap before Vortex....Tempest and time travel seemed a bit complicated from what I remember. Thanks for sharing this great review!

  18. I'm not too much into time travel stories, but this one caught my eye. I'm glad you were riveted till the end, that is high praise indeed.

  19. tbs by tamara stone was okay . exited4this1

  20. Time travel is one of those tricky subjects to write successfully, isn't it? I'm glad this one worked out! I like the idea of all those what-ifs. Even just reading your review makes me think a little. :)

  21. I haven't read any time travel book except for So Close To You. This one did catch my eye, but I never got around to it. I really loved your review, Jenny. It's very thought-provoking. I feel like reading the book just because of your review.

  22. This looks complicated enough to worry me, but it sounds like the author really pulled it off! I like a book that keeps me thinking so I do think I want to read it. Now the question is to get it before the second one comes out or after. I have to decide now since I can't go back in the past to fix it. :)

  23. I enjoyed TEMPEST, but it left my head a little woozy with all the science talk. Or maybe I was distracted while I read it. Anyway, I agree with you on the riveting page-turner that it is! I can't wait for VORTEX.

  24. Wait - I found a book before you did, Jenny?! I reviewed this earlier this year (last year? Time is blurring together...), and really, really enjoyed it. I'm excited about the sequel!

    Great review!

  25. I should probably do the same as you and get this one read since the second book is coming out soon. I also loved that they changed the cover a little and now it appeals more to boys too.

  26. YES!!! Im so glad you liked this one, I really loved it and cant wait for her follow up!! My favorite part was the rooftop scene!

  27. I did not like this book as much as you did. But I really loved your review. Your insights made me thing of the book/story in a completely different way. I know the relationship between Jackson and Holly stayed with me for a while. I wonder what's in store for those two.

    Sara @ Just Another Story

  28. yay! glad you like this one too. I love it & that says a lot for someone who don't like much time travel story like me.

    Also, in case you haven't read, there's an exclusive content posted in corrine jackson blog written by Julie Cross, here's the link

  29. I've heard so many mixed reviews on this one, but glad you really enjoyed it. It seems really complex but at the same time really intriguing. I haven't read many time travel novels, so may have to give this one a try!
    Great review
