Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Empower

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a fun way to see what books other bloggers just can't wait to get their hands on!

Paranormal Young Adult
Releases May 2014 from Sourcebooks Fire

From Goodreads:

It has been two years since Violet Eden walked away from the city, her friends, her future and - most importantly - her soulmate, Lincoln. Part angel, part human, Violet is determined to stand by the promises she made to save the one she loves.

Living in the perpetual coldness of a broken soul she survives day to day as a Rogue Grigori in London.

But when an unexpected visitor shows up at her door, the news he bears about someone she swore to protect leaves Violet with no choice.

Even worse, she fears that this might all lead back to the night she tries hardest to forget. And what was taken without her permission.

Violet is going back to New York ... and she knows exactly who is going to be there.

With Phoenix in her dreams and Lincoln in her heart she knows it is only a matter of time before the final choice must be made.

If you didn't know already, I'm madly in love with this series. Violet and I got off to a bit of a rough start in book one, Embrace. Rough. I didn't care for her at all even though I was intrigued by the world, and it wasn't until the very end of the book that I came to understand the reason I didn't like her, but by then it was too late and my opinion of her remained unchanged. Still, I was curious to see if I could come to care for her given the concluding chapters of Embrace, so I gave book two, Entice, a try and promptly fell in love. I've been a fan of this series ever since and each book only improves upon the last (getting darker and more emotionally crippling), so I can't wait to see what's in store with Empower.


  1. Wait, this series is already on book #5? When did that happen? Feels like not too long ago that the first book was released. Anyways, it's great to hear that you have fallen more and more in love with this series with each book. I love that in a series. Ditto for falling more in love with characters, especially ones you didn't take to in the beginning. Such a great feeling! I hope this one lives up to your high expectations for the series - I'm very curious to hear what you think of it!

    1. I know! It's gone fast hasn't it? This is definitely a series that gets better as it goes, and I'm just so excited to finally get my hands on this one:)

  2. love the cover. it's pretty! Though I won't be able to read this one since I haven't started the series yet. But the premise sounds good.

    1. This is for sure a series that needs to be read in order, so even though book one was rocky for me, I still recommend starting there otherwise you'll be lost.

  3. This series is on book #5 already?! I've had the first book for ages now and I still haven't read it even though I've heard great things about the series. Must get to it!

    1. I KNOW! It seems like it was just book 2 releasing. I adore this series Leanna, I hope you get a chance to try it!

  4. I haven't started this series myself, though your love of it has me curious to give it a try. Great pick, Jenny!

    1. I'm definitely a fan Keertana:) The last book just about destroyed me though, so I need this book asap.

  5. Heheh I jsut got sent Empower for review along with a box of chocolate and a packet of tissues. So you may probably need them when you start this! Awesome pick Jenny <3

    1. LUCKY YOU!!!! I'm super jealous. Of both the book AND the chocolate:) Hope you love it Shirley!

  6. Ooh nice! Haven't read this series but love the cover!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Violet was kind of a pain in the arse in book 1. But the whole world and character base grew on me as I read and now I'm totally in for this final (?? is it the final??) book. *grabby hands*

    1. Oh yes she was. I wanted to just shake her so many times, and then when the end came around and I was all "oh, that's why you were the way you were", I still wasn't sure about her. I loved her in book 2 though and she's continued to wow me as the series continues:) I *think* this is the final book. I'm not positive though.

      Wait, just checked. It does say final installment on her website:)

  8. Embrace and I were not friends, much, in fact, that I couldn't even read book two. I'm so glad to see you think it really stepped up its game though because now I'm intrigued, and I must have this book!

    1. Yeah Embrace was a challenge for me in a variety of ways, but definitely give Entice a try, I think it might make you feel differently!

  9. Okay her books just have gorgeous covers!

  10. I can't wait for this book either!! SO EXCITED! I love this series too and I think the books keep getting better as well. I am nervous to see where this book goes regarding Violet and Lincoln-- ahh! Great pick, Jenny!

    1. Me too Christina! I just want them to be together an happy, their journey has been a long and oh-so painful one. *fingers crossed for an epic HEA*

  11. I don't know about this series! I love the cover though.

  12. I'm loving this cover!! I still haven't started with this series but I'm truly planing to. I mean angles, who can resist them and I know you're a big fan of this series. Great pick, Jenny :)

  13. This is what I NEED! Also, I still need to read the last book.

  14. When you say you're madly in love with a series, I definitely pay attention, Jenny! I'll know to keep my expectations low with the first book, and defintiely trust that it becomes much better later. Hopefully Violet and I will get along just fine.

  15. I am so far behind on this series. I've only read the first. Darn it! I need the rest. Now you added another. Bad blogger. :)

  16. Well I still haven't read this series, but every time you feature one it reminds me I really need to!

  17. I still need to read this series, Jenny! But, ugh, the covers just keep getting prettier and prettier!

  18. I am so shocked that there are 5 books in this series! I thought there were only 3 and that was it! Wow! I remember your review of the first book, but then the making of the cover of the second book and how you grew to like the next books. I just thought it was over. Maybe I should give this one a chance!

  19. Why haven't I tried this series? Gah, I am off to find book one, if you love it I will probably love it too :)

  20. I know you said this series drops the triangle pretty quickly, but to be safe, I want you to read this book and then tell me all about how much you love this series. I hope it's everything you wanted. I'm so impatient that I know if I were reading it, I'd have already purchased the Aussie copy from Fishpond. Expensive as it is. I'm so bad!
