Friday, January 6, 2012

Dragonswood Blog Tour: This or That List + Giveaway

I'm joined on the blog today by Janet Lee Carey, author of the paranormal young adult novel Dragonswood, for a quick and fun this or that list! As part of the tour through Teen Book Scene, I also have a very cool giveaway to offer readers, so be sure and check the bottom of the post for all the details!

If only one paranormal entity could be real, would you choose dragons or faeries?

Faeries though they’re arguably more dangerous.

Do you prefer writing in a linear progression or out of order?

I spiral forward then loop back a little before moving ahead. (Picture a stretched slinky).

Which comes first: character traits and personality or their name?


If you could time travel, would you go back to the past or jump forward to the future?

I’d leap ahead.

On your dream vacation, are you lounging on the beach or hopping from city to city seeing as much of the world as you possibly can?

Give me a beach. I love to snorkel.

Is it harder to write the first chapter of a book or the acknowledgements section?

The first chapter’s a killer every time.

Would meeting a favorite actor or favorite author turn you into more of a fangirl?

Favorite author. I’ve been lucky enough to meet two of my favorites already. I met Ursula K. LeGuin at a book signing and Michael Ondaatje (Author of The English Patient) in a little grocery store in Mill Valley CA. I grew up in Mill Valley. I was in CA visiting my brother a few years ago and was reading one of Michael Ondaatje’s books at the time. I walked down the aisle of the Mill Valley Market and there he was pushing a grocery cart. I whispered, “Michael Ondaatje?” He turned and said, “Yes?”

Which would be easier: giving up a favorite food or favorite article of clothing/accessory?


Are you an outdoors or indoors person?

Outdoors! But my friends would guffaw at this answer because I spend every day at my desk writing.

Your television only has one channel. Do you prefer it show sitcoms or police/law dramas?

Gotta have my Seinfeld. Otherwise I’m a masterpiece theatre buff.

Thanks so much for stopping by Janet! You can find more information on Janet and Dragonswood here:



Janet and the ladies at Teen Book Scene have generously offered up a signed copy of Dragonswood for me to give away on the blog today! And that's not all. One lucky winner will also receive a signed paperback copy of Dragon's Keep (to which Dragonswood is a companion novel I believe) as well. To enter, please leave a comment with a valid email address so I can contact you if you win. This Giveaway is open to US residents only and will run through midnight EST on Sunday, January 8th after which time a winner will be chosen and announced on the blog. Good luck everyone!


Wilde Island is in an uproar after the recent death of its king. The uneasy pact between dragons, fairies, and humans is fraying, and a bloodthirsty witch hunter with a hidden agenda whips villages into frenzies with wild accusations. Tess, a blacksmith’s daughter from a tiny hamlet near the mysterious Dragonswood, finds herself caught in the crosshairs of fate when she is accused of witchery and has to flee for her life along with her two best friends.

Not even Tess’s power to see the future can help the girls as they set off on their desperate journey, but she keeps having visions of a man wielding a sword. And when she finally meets him, Tess has no idea how to handle the magnetic attraction she feels for him, or the elusive call she hears from the heart of the Dragonswood.

In this epic romance, an ancient prophecy comes true in a way neither dragon, fairy, nor human would have predicted.


  1. I would so love to run into an author at the grocery store. They're my rock stars! What Ondatje book is Janet's favorite (if she's reading this).

    I must say I could pass by dragons and faeries (well, except for Ash). Give me a vampire any day.

  2. When I used to write creatively (and it's been a little while), I would always write a ton of different scenes and then figure out how they should all come together!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!


  3. Ooh, I'm so excited for this, awesome giveaway!

  4. Faeries more dangerous than dragons? Interesting. And I agree that clothing is easier to give up than food. Leap ahead? To where?

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Stretched slinky approach to writing well that is different. Cool. I totally wish I had a slinky to play with right now lol. Great interview and that cover oh lord I am such a cover nut.


  6. I can definitely imagine that writing the first chapter is just that difficult. And that's too cool--running into an author like that.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  7. I'm sooo looking forward to Dragonswood! Hopefully I'll be lucky to win a copy. :) thanks for the giveaway!

    -Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

  8. Now that is just such a cool way to meet an author :D I wish big names visited my super market too

  9. Same here. I can't imagine how incredible that would be to bump into a famous author here in our wee town's produce aisle ;D

    And, I'd take faeries ANY day over fire-breathing dinosaurs lol Thank you for the great giveaway!
    GFC Mary Deborde [M.A.D.]
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

  10. Thank you so much for this giveaway - I have Dragonwood on my watch out list since a long time!

  11. I live in a town where I am lucky enough to occasionally run into authors. Of course, now I also live in a town where you can run into a Kardashian---that is not nearly as exciting LOL

  12. I totally agree with your answer: Faeries! Def, need to stay! :)

  13. I love these This or That questions! They're such hard ones too. The faeries would definitely be interesting to have around... Not that dragons wouldn't, but that fae magic... lol. And it's interesting hearing about the writing in this format too! Can't enter the giveaway sadly, but good luck to all of you who can. :D

  14. Great post! I have this one on my wish list. No need to enter me, I'm Canadian. Good luck!

  15. I have had my eye on this release but I had not known it was part of a larger series. Oh yes. I love my heroines and dragons. This sounds amazing.

    terilhack at yahoo dot com

  16. This sounds like a great book. I would love to be counted. Thank you for the giveaway. That cover is breathtaking

    kasuranna at yahoo dot com

  17. This sounds like a good book.

  18. Awesome post. I don't know if I'd be able to answer any of those questions, myself. Fairies or dragons? City or beach? Nice answers, though. ;)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I haven't read either book but I would love to win them. They sound great. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  20. I seriously want this book!

  21. I enjoyed the interview, as well as the book trailer. I'm looking forward to reading Dragonswood.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  22. Dude! So love this book! AHHHH!

    bwithbite at gmail dot com

  23. Her writing style's like mine! Two steps forward, one step back... This story sounds fab, btw. After reading this and your review, I really want to read it! :)

  24. I have another question if the author's reading this ...What did you say when he turned around and said, "Yes?"

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  25. I've had my eye on this for months, thanks!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  26. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I really want to read this book. Please enter me in contest.

  27. Great interview love the answers. Especially an outdoors person when your always inside writing. That's funny lol. I am so the opposite for vacation I want to see everything and I'm more of an indoor type. If my TV only played House I would be totally happy. And yes faeries are way more dangerous than dragons. They can do horrible things and make it look good at the same time. Crazy lol. Thank you for the giveaway I have been wanting to read this for quite a while now. I love there are dragons I always think of Norbert from Harry Potter lol. I definitely want to read this book.

  28. Thanks for the chance to win! This book looks great :)


  29. I'd love to be lounging on the beach for my vacation! :)

    This book was really interesting! And this is an awesome guest post. :) Thanks for sharing!

  30. Enjoyed the This or That post! I have my own copy of Dragonswood, but wouldn't mind the Dragonskeep novel so put my name in for that, please.


  31. I really enjoyed this interview & Dragonswood :)

    *Not an entry

  32. As much as I watch it with my dad, I don't get Seinfeld, but it's funny! Can't wait to read the book.:D

  33. I would love to own a signed copy of Dragonswood & Dragon's keep!! I'm reading it at the moment and enjoying it =) It's been awhile since I read a novel that's set in a medieval scene, and I enjoy reading stories about dragons as well as the fantasy of thinking there are feys that live beside humans ;o) I have my fingers crossed! Thank you for hosting this giveaway! Wishing you a wonderful beginning to a New year!

    GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
    TValeros18 AT gmail DOT com

  34. It would definitely be way to hard to give up my favorite food. My favorite clothing would have to go. Seinfeld is the best, you can relate something to it everyday!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    candicerjames [at] gmail [dot] com

  35. I am SO psyched to read this book!!! Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway:)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  36. This sounds like such a great book.


  37. This sounds like a book I'll really enjoy. Thanks for the giveaway!


  38. As a vegan, I can definitely say that giving up your favorite food is harder than giving up a favorite article of clothing. Whenever anyone I'm around gets pizza I have to huff it (and this is only if I know them, not perfect strangers, though one time I did closely tail a guy with a pizza box for a couple of blocks!).

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  39. Thank for the interview. I cannot wait to get a copy of this book, I've been waiting since I first heard about it about 6 months ago.

    Thank you for the giveaway!
    jbronderblogs at aol dot com

  40. Wow, I would love to win this! I've heard great things about this author!

    Thanks for the giveaway ! :D

    Kara D.

  41. Loved this! If I ever got the chance to meet one of my favorite authors at the grocery store... I wish! I'm so excited for this book!

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)


  42. I love the cover of this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC: LisaILJ

    leyser73 at gmail dot com

  43. This looks so wonderful! Great post. :)

    GFC - Manda

  44. Great interview=) I'm a beach person myself!
    I would be so thrilled to win a signed copy of either book, I can promise you I would treasure it always=) I am adding these books to my wishlist, they would be perfect reads for me!
    Lethea B
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
    Follow via GFC as Luvdaylilies
