Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Review: Cinder

CINDER (Lunar Chronicles #1)
Marissa Meyer
Paranormal Young Adult
387 pages
Feiwel & Friends
Available Now
Received from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

A beautifully reimagined fairytale, Cinder proves to us how certain core fictional elements never fail to engross and enchant while also intriguing us with the intricacies of a completely new world ripe with new technologies and new problems. Much like she does with our cyborg protagonist, Ms. Meyer takes certain familiar aspects of the Cinderella tale and adds pieces and parts to it to create a fascinating hybrid, a blending of recognizable and foreign plot elements that keeps us glued to the pages despite our basic knowledge of how things will play out. There are so many additional layers to the rags-to-riches storyline of the original fairytale–the tension between Prince Kai and Cinder so much more palpable, the threat of discovery and the subsequent repercussions so much greater, and Cinder’s past so much darker and murkier—that our memories of everything we loved about the version that came before this are overshadowed by a potent desire to see where this new version will take us.

Though Cinder has had a rough past and exists as a servant in a home where she should be an equal, she never elicits a sympathetic response from us, instead earning our outright respect for the way she handles herself against those who seek to tear her down. She never whines over her predicament nor does she meekly accept her circumstances as law, always dealing with what fate hands her in a way that makes us sit up a little straighter and hold our chins up in her honor, infinitely proud and envious of her strength. The formation of a bond with Cinder is smooth and easy, our emotional attachment to her growing with each page even as the weight of all the secrets she’s keeping both from Prince Kai and her family sits heavier and heavier on our chests, dread for the moment when all her perceived undesirable differences are made public wrapping around our hearts with ice cold fingers as we find ourselves pulled fully into her story.

The relationship between Cinder and Kai is refreshingly sweet and slow-moving, sparks crackling back and forth between them on more than just a romantic level as secrets from Cinder’s previously muddled past are revealed, ratcheting up the forbidden nature of merely a royal/commoner pairing and turning it into something else—something darker and more intense—entirely. Though some of the discoveries regarding Cinder’s identity and her history before being adopted at age eleven are easily predictable, it doesn’t diminish our enjoyment in the least, instead our early deduction only gives us more time to think of what it means for her in general as well as for her and Kai specifically, thus adding a whole new level of tension that would have been noticeably absent had the big reveal toward the end been more startling.

Overall, Cinder is a strong start to the Lunar Chronicles series, Ms. Meyer creating a very memorable version of Cinderella with her own unique stamp evident on each and every page. The only minor nitpick would be it starts just a touch slow, the introduction of New Beijing, the plague crippling it, and Cinder’s relationship to her difficult family taking a while to unfold to the point where we can settle in, pull the parameters of this new world around us and let ourselves experience Cinder’s increasingly complicated life. The ending is neither cliffhanger nor neatly-wrapped package, instead leaving us with a lot to think about and anticipate without driving us to the brink of madness, and we close the back cover with a smile and a reminder to locate the release date of the next book at our earliest opportunity.

Rating: 4/5


  1. I considered the ending to be a type of cliffhanger, they kind that makes you yell and wait on pins and needles to find out what happens next.

    "she never elicits a sympathetic response from us, instead earning our outright respect for the way she handles herself against those who seek to tear her down." This was perfect, I couldn't figure out a way to articulate this idea but it's exactly what I was feeling.

    Great review Jenny!

  2. This sounds great. I like that it's not a normal Cinderella tale. The infusion of fantasy and dystopia...may even get me to bypass my dislike for dystopia.

  3. Aaaahhh, cannot wait to read Cinder!

  4. Great review. I started this one, and liked it...but haven't had a chance to pick it back up. I'm excited to start it again.

    Great review!

  5. Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale and if someone is putting a new spin on it I might actually give it a gander! Good review jen :)

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers

  6. You told me already that you liked it - and I said already that I was not so sure. But, the more reviews I read the more I think I need to pick it up!! :))
    It does sound fantastic and the mix of genres is unique!

  7. Oh, great review! I'm so glad it's finally out so I can start pushing it on people. *innocent smile* I can agree it took some time unfold, but for once I actually wasn't bothered by it! And that ending, even if not being a cliffhange, so had me wanting more! I can't wait for the sequel. I heard another blogger saying the series would bring in more fairytale heroines as it continues (and it sounds correct since I just stumbled across reading book two being about Little Red Riding Hood, lol), which definitely sounds intriguing! *excited*

  8. Great thoughts! I read this book super early and had basically nobody to talk to about it when I was done with it! I ADORED it so, so much! I loved how the retelling of the fairytale was woven in with the science fiction and all of the other elements used and the little romance and everything! Strong start for a series and I can't wait to see what Cinder will do since its release yesterday!

    Also, what a fun cover, right??? Love it!

  9. So she is just a cyborg then...I do hope she is more human than robot cos else it is kind of icky when they fall in love

  10. I love how this one isn't just a straight up retelling but the author brings something new to the fort with the technology/steampunk elements. I'm also a bit tired of reading characters who passively accept the injustices against them so I'm thrilled that Cinder doesn't just take it. I can't wait to read this one!

  11. Jennifer - I guess the end could be considered a cliffhanger, but I'm so used to the ones like the end of Dreamfever that leave me with my mouth gaping open that this one just felt like it stopped at a logical place and will pick up right there with book 2.

    Alison - I really liked the world of this one! It didn't feel as much dystopian as a combination of a bunch of other genres, so it might work for you:)

    Chantaal - Yay! Hope you get a chance to read it soon:)

    Scarlet - It took me a little while to get into this one, but once I was in, I couldn't put it down:)

    Krazzyme - I've always loved the Cinderella fairytale as well, and I liked all the extra elements she added to this one to make it really stand out:)

    Danny - I think it's definitely worth a read. Cinder is a really strong protagonist and I enjoyed the world and the secondary characters, and can't wait for the next book now that some of Cinder's secrets are out in the open.

    Rebecca - Really?! I had no idea more fairytale characters were on their way - AWESOME! Now I'm really excited for the next books!

    Asheley - Oh good! I'm so glad you loved it too:) Definitely a strong start, and I adored all the different elements worked into the story, it made it very unique and fun to read.

    Blodeuedd - She is a cyborg, she's got a robotic foot but she's mostly human:)

    Rummanah - Me too! All extra layers she added really made this one interesting. And I loved that Cinder didn't just meekly accept her life as "the way it was supposed to be", she fought it whenever possible.

  12. I bought this yesterday. Can't wait to read it!

  13. I adore fairy-tales and I love re-tellings...and I love when there is a slow-building romance. Looks like Cinder needs to go straight to the top of my reading pile...:D

  14. Yea, yea, yea! HAPPY DANCE! I've been wondering how you would feel about this one as I have been looking forward to reading it :) Glad it worked for you, and now I WANT!

  15. I agree with your review completely! It did have a slow start, but it was still a wonderful story. I liked the slow relationship between Kai and Cinder too. :)

  16. I loved this one. It had a slow start but the pacing picks up soon so I was okay with that. I really liked that Cinder wasn't a damsel in distress and constantly thought about others even if they weren't nice to her. I also really liked the romance and am looking forward to see what will happen with it in the sequel.

  17. I think this one will be loved by many. Who doesn't like re-telling the Cinder story---makes me want to watch Ever After again :)

  18. LinWash - YAY! Can't wait to hear what you think:)

    Tina - Me too, there some of my favorite types of stories:) I think you'll enjoy Cinder, it's got a little bit of everything!

    Linds - I really enjoyed it! Definitely a slow start, but it really picked up quickly for me and I just loved how unique it felt.

    Lea - Thanks! I loved Kai and Cinder, I kept scanning the pages for another mention of them together:)

    Zahida - Me too:) I loved that Cinder wasn't in any way a damsel in distress, and I think she'll get more independent and kick-butt as we go:)

    Felicia - EVER AFTER! I love that movie so much, even with Drew's accent:)

  19. I feel like I need to approach this novel with caution because I'm not much of a sci-fi person, but Cinder sounds pretty fantastic. I'm already on board with her being a non-whiner. LOL

  20. Awesome review! This is the second raving review of this book that I've read so now I'm really curious about it. I like how the romance isn't the main focus - major turn-off for me. Have to check this one out!

  21. Awesome review! I've always loved fairy tales, but never read a remake. I keep seeing Cinder everywhere and think now is the time to read it!

  22. I agreed with most all of what you said. I was surprisingly....surprised by this book. Not because I couldn't guess what was going to happen, but because I ended up really liking it and at first I wasn't sure that it would go down that way. My only upset was toward the end. It didn't feel like an ending, even to the first book in a sequel. Usually there is a climax and then a falling action, but I felt like the book just ended in the climax and it felt odd. It wasn't a cliffhanger, which was nice, but there wasn't enough of a fall and for some reason that was difficult for me. I am very much looking forward to the next book, though. :D I enjoyed the story and the cyborg aspect. Plus, I liked Kai! :D

  23. I've heard so many great things about this book and can't wait to read it. I might have to bump it up on my review pile.

  24. Eeeeep! I really want to read this book! The more reviews I read about it, the more I want! Loved the review Jenny!

  25. I'm almost done with this book and I have been so scared of a cliffie. I can relax a bit now. I figured not everything would be solved since it is a series, but YES! No cliffie!!! I can't wait to smile after closing the book. :D

  26. I love the fact that she isn't whiny and just keeps fighting with dignity!

  27. I absolutely loved Cinder! I'm so glad you did, too! Cinder was such an excellent protagonist, and the story was so unique! Wonderful review, Jenny. :)

  28. I loved this book! So glad you enjoyed it as well. I love how creative she got with things and it all just worked even when I really thought it sounded weird. I can't wait for the next one!

  29. Great review Jenny! I love the way you say the story unfolds and how the relationship builds between Kai and Cinder. But this got me most,

    "she never elicits a sympathetic response from us, instead earning our outright respect for the way she handles herself against those who seek to tear her down. She never whines over her predicament nor does she meekly accept her circumstances as law, always dealing with what fate hands her in a way that makes us sit up a little straighter and hold our chins up in her honor, infinitely proud and envious of her strength" I love that description of Cinder! My copy came today and I can't wait to get started!!

    Thank you!


  30. LOVED Cinder and Kai together. The romance moved at the perfect pace and they had so much chemistry. =D So glad you loved it, Jenny!

  31. I've been hearing about this book EVERYWHERE! Excellent review, Jenny.

  32. I have this one my my tbr list, I'm hoping to get to it next. Great review!

  33. What a beautiful, well though-out review! I'm so pleased you liked this one. I read it a while back and really enjoyed it, too, though I did have a few small issues. But I am looking forward to the next book now! :)

    Sam @ Realm of Ficton

  34. This book is everywhere this week! I'll admit, I was a bit leery on the whole sci-fi steampunk genre, but after reading The Girl in the Steel Corset, I am hooked! Will definitely give CINDER a try. Awesome review, jenny!

  35. I don't know chick... I just don't think this is a 'me' book. OBVIOUSLY I'm in love with the cover, but I doubt this one will go on my TBR!

  36. I really appreciated how Cinder didn't whine. She just sucked it up and did the best she could with what she had (while planning her escape, of course). And poor Cinder, believing that, just because she's cyborg and TOLD she's second class, Kai won't like/love her.

  37. I can't wait to read this book! Your review has me even more excited :)

  38. This book totally took me by surprise! I mean I expected to LIKE it. But not the way I did. Meyer did such a magnificent job making this story so unique and different from what you'd expect, despite what you already know about the story. Love the review, Jenny. As always, this review so eloquent and flowy.

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  39. This was a book I made myself wait for. I wanted to see what reviewers had to say, and I think it's now safe to say that I need to read this asap. :) You've convinced me Jenny!!
