Monday, July 21, 2014

Review: Boomerang

Boomerang #1
Noelle August
Contemporary New Adult
304 pages
William Morrow
Available Now
Source: ARC from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Welcome to, the dating site for the millennial gen with its no-fuss, no-commitments matchups, and where work is steamier than any random hook-up

Mia Galliano is an aspiring filmmaker. Ethan Vance has just played his last game as a collegiate soccer star. They’re sharp, hungry for success, and they share a secret.

Last night, Ethan and Mia met at a bar, and, well . . . one thing led to another, which led to them waking up the next morning—together. Things turned awkward in a hurry when they found themselves sharing a post hookup taxi . . . to the same place: Boomerang headquarters.

What began as a powerful connection between them is treated to a cold shower courtesy of two major complications. First, Boomerang has a strict policy against co-worker dating. And second, they’re now competitors for only one job at the end of summer.

As their internships come to an end, will they manage to keep their eyes on the future and their hands off each other, or will the pull of attraction put them right back where they started?

Boomerang is one of those reads that brings a smile to our faces and gets a laugh out of us with every chapter, the sheer cuteness of Ethan and Mia together ensuring the desire to start the book over again as soon as we finish is uniquely high. While romance is certainly the focus as things with Ethan and Mia progress–and hit a snag or two thanks to corporate policy and past relationship issues–everything about the two of them together feels utterly genuine, the well-known dramatics of the New Adult genre gloriously absent, and in their place we find humor, sexual tension, and maturity when it comes to communication.

Mia is as adorable as they come, her ability to adapt to a one night stand morning after situation impressive and her handling of both Ethan and her foggy memory absolutely delightful. She admits to not remembering certain things even as it pains her to do so, and with one notable (and understandable) exception, she lets Ethan know what's on her mind no matter how personal or slightly embarrassing it may be. When Boomerang's required “research” is put into effect, sending both Mia and Ethan out on separate dates at the same time, her jealousy mirrors our own and we can't help but smile as she gets increasingly irritated at being relegated to the sidelines when she wants nothing more than to be the one sitting opposite Ethan.

Ethan, for his part, is as personable as Mia, meeting her toe to toe in terms of wit and playing it charmingly cool through what could have been a miserably awkward situation. He banters with her easily, their humor well-matched to the benefit of all of us readers, finding his way into our hearts with little trouble despite a distinct lack of brooding, tattoos, or any other bad-boy staples to help him along. He's sweet and smart, and when things with Mia reach their breaking point, he allows his hurt to show without saying or doing anything exceedingly reckless that would only make their road back together that much longer and more painful.

Overall, Boomerang is pure fun, engaging from first page to last with a cast of characters who are driven yet don't take themselves so seriously that they can't poke fun at their own mistakes or inadequacies. It looks as though a companion novel is underway, and it simply cannot release fast enough for me.

Rating: 4/5

Find Noelle:

This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.
*Be sure and stop by tomorrow as Veronica and Lorin (Noelle August) will be here answering questions!


  1. OMFG I am just so excited for this too! And reading your review made my interest and excitement piqued! I hope to get a copy of this soon. I like that it's not so dramatic like what other NA aims for. So yay!

    Great review!

    1. WOO HOO!!!! I loved that this one was very low on the over the top romantic drama that seems to plague the NA genre. I highly recommend Abby!

  2. Cute books are the best, mainly during this summer period! I saw this one around but didn't realize how cute it was. great review!

    1. I couldn't agree more Melliane! I read this one on vacation and it was the perfect book for it:)

  3. I actually read many mixed reviews for this one. I'm VERY picky with NAs because I had some bad experiences (well reads lol) and don't want it to happen again if possible. Although, I don't know, but your review convinced me. Nice one! :D

    Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    1. This is overall a very light read Lola - cute and funny:) I think you might like it!

  4. This totally screams my name this book lol. It sounds so cute, light and fluffy that it certainly would bring a laugh and grin to your face. These are my favourite sort of contemporaries. The beginning reminds me of Losing It by Cora Cormack, how they met at the bar and later find out that they are teacher and student! So this is right up my street. Brilliant review, Jenny! :)

    1. YES! I loved Ethan and Mia so much Emma! And yes, it has a Losing It vibe in the beginning, but then it goes its own way and I just adored it:)

  5. YES! I was waiting for you to review this book before adding it to the TBR list and now after reading your review, I feel like this is one of those contemporaries I need to read!

    Thanks for a fantastic review as always!! =D

    1. READ THIS PILI!!!! It just made me happy:)

  6. New Adult is very hit or miss for me, but I like the premise of this one. Ethan and Mia both sound like fun characters and it seems like an entertaining beach/summertime read…definitely adding this to my TBR list. Great review, Jenny!

    1. For me as well, but this one was a winner. It was light and fluffy but also had substance, and it just made me laugh:)

  7. I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this, Jenny! I agree that this was a delightful NA read. It was definitely very refreshing when you compare it to other overly dramatic NA books. Plus, it had such great characters as well! It's hard not to love both Ethan and Mia for how smart the two of them are.
    Gorgeous review, Jenny! Hopefully, we'll get more awesome books from this writing duo. :)

    1. MORE PLEASE NICK! I know we're getting a companion book, and I need it in my hands asap:)

  8. Yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed Boomerang, Jenny! I'm glad that it was a fun read without too much drama. I can only imagine what kind of mischief these two end up getting into as they learn (after the smexy night) that they're competing for the same job. Wonderful review. :)

    1. I think this easily could have been highly dramatic - all sorts of game playing and what not since there's only one open spot at the end of the internship, but it wasn't like that at all. I just loved Ethan and Mia:)

  9. Yay! I think everyone that has read this will agree that this was such a fun read and so worth it! I am so glad (and relieved) you thought so too Jenny. :)

  10. Okay, I've never heard of this one, Jenny, but Mia sounds like such a fun and personable character! Plus, who doesn't love a quirky story that can elicit more than a few smiles?? I could definitely get onboard for some sweet and smexy scenes ;) Lovely review!

    1. I think you'd really like this one Melissa! It's just one of those feel good reads:)

  11. Oh goodness! I can't wait to read this :) I got the free 30 something% from Amazon and it was so adorable that I'm going to love this one, I know it! Yay for no excessive drama and lots of fun and smexy. Mia and Ethan sound even more wonderful than I already thought them to be and heheee. Banteeeerr!!! So glad you loved this, Jenny :)

    1. YAY! I can't wait to see what you think once you read the next 70%. So, so cute:):)

  12. Alrighthy, I want to read this RIGHT NOW!! This sounds like the perfect read for me right now! Between all the angsty NA and YA books, I want to read something light and fun, and this one sounds like it does exactly this! Woot! So happy you liked it :))

    1. DO IT DANNY! You'll be a fan, I know it:)

  13. Definitely an adorable book! I like how they interact with each other and have friendly competition while flirting. And the family dynamic is nice, too.

    1. I so enjoyed this one Mary. Yes to all the books these two write:)

  14. I have seen this one around and it seem that everyone love this story. It seems so cute and perfect for summer. I really like the sound of Mia and she seems like someone I'd easily connect with. Great review, Jenny :)

  15. Hm... I do think I need to try this one. I love sweet and smart. Gets me every time. :D This just sounds adorbs and I need to check out this author's books!

  16. I'm glad this one strays from what now defines NA. I've been hearing that quite a bit, and I need to see how great it is! So happy to hear you enjoyed it, Jenny.

  17. I'm happy to hear this is different than most NA's out there. I get tired of the same old recipe over & over. I do love a splash of humor in my romances as well. Wonderful review, Jenny! I'll have to check this out. :)

  18. I've heard wonderful things about this and you have me wanting to read it right away! I'm not sure if I grabbed it yet or not but if I didn't I think I'll have to do so. It sounds perfect for summer!

  19. What a fun, vibrant cover! I saw a similar plot device on the TV show I'm currently hooked on--The Good Wife--and it made for a good competition between characters. Great review, Jenny

  20. Jenny, I simply HAVE to stop reading your reviews. I'm sorry, but I really need to stay away. You reviewed Shalvis's 5th Animal Magnetism novel and I rushed out and read the entire book in a day. Now you've reviewed this one and it's already on my Kindle. ALREADY. What are you doing to my wallet, girl? ;) Anyway, I can't wait to read this since it sounds super cute and I love work place romances like Julie James or Lauren Layne write and this seems to be right up my alley. Gorgeous review, dear! :)

  21. This sounds adorable and just the perfect summer read. It's on order now. :)

  22. This is one of the several books I'm actively reading right now, and I think it's super cute too. And by "actively," I mean I was reading it when I decided to forget everything else and reread Kate Daniels, LOL. I don't think I'm more than 20-25% into it, but I was getting the feeling that Boomerang CEO guy was some kind of evil mastermind . . . Was Boomerang CEO guy some kind of evil mastermind, Jenny? Hmmm??

  23. I'm about a third of the way through this one and it's a cute read so far :)

  24. Your review made me smile, Jenny, and I still can't stop smiling. :) I love the sound of this book and you did good by highlighting on what made this different from the angsty novels populating the NA shelves these days. I'm excited to meet these characters and get swept away by the cuteness and fun of this book. Lovely, lovely review, Jenny!

  25. I personally have move away from NA. I used to be all about it but I find the stories repetitive. For me they all sound the same. Still I'm glad you enjoyed the book.

  26. I'm so happy you loved this! I've been disappointed in a lot of contemporary romances lately, and I'm hoping this will get me back on track. I'm honestly not a fan of the one night stand beginning, so that makes me very hesitant, but I'm glad this is funny and that the heroine is open about what she's thinking. I hope I enjoy this as much as you did!
