Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Review: Something Sweeter

Sweet, Texas #3
Candis Terry
Adult Contemporary Romance
384 pages
Available Now
Source: Finished copy from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
The men in Texas are hard to resist . . .

Seattle event planner Allison Lane is an expert at delivering the perfect wedding—even if she might not exactly believe in the whole "'til death do us part" thing. When her father decides to tie the knot with a woman he barely knows, Allison heads to Sweet, Texas, to make sure his new honey is the real deal. What she didn't expect to find at the local honky-tonk was a sexy Southern man as bent on charming her pants off as he is on blowing her "true love doesn't exist" theory all to hell.

And they always promise . . .

Veterinarian, former Marine, and Sweet's favorite playboy Jesse Wilder takes one look at Allison and knows she's a handful of trouble he can't deny. But even after a sizzling kiss and obvious mutual attraction, it seems Allison has no such problem. When Jesse uncovers her sweet side, can he crush his playboy image, melt her cynical heart, and change her mind about taking a trip down the aisle?

Something sweeter.

Something Sweeter is a fun foray into the heart of Texas, use of the endearment "darlin" present and as swoon-worthy as ever as it flows from the mouth of former Marine–and current veterinarian–Jesse Wilder. In addition to a slow-burning relationship between our lead couple, we’re also treated to the meddling, antics, and unwavering support of his brothers and his endearing mother, their playful familiarity allowing us to really snuggle into this story surrounded by the warmth of love and laughter on all sides. There’s plenty of conflict in the relationship between Jesse and Allison, but the drama is kept to a bare minimum, making this the perfect read for a lazy summer afternoon when a little heat and a whole lot of charm top the list of reader must-haves.

Allison, having grown up with a mother divorced five times over, is utterly convinced love is fleeting and subject to the whims of those who claim to feel it, and therefore finds herself in Texas to ensure her father made the right decision with his recent engagement to a virtual stranger. Because this is a lighter contemporary romance, we don’t delve too deeply into Allison’s relationship with her mother, and as a result it’s sometimes tricky for us to fully put ourselves in her shoes with regard to her conviction that happily ever after doesn’t exist. Having said that however, though Allison’s beliefs on love are clearly the kind that will require the entirety of this story’s four hundred pages to change, she’s not overly frustrating with her stance, sharing with Jesse upfront how she feels without throwing her opinions in his face every five minutes.

Jesse is as smoldering ex-military southern gentleman as they come, his Texas drawl practically audible as it reverberates through the pages and travels straight to our hearts. There are a number of stops and starts to his and Allie's physical relationship, but with her career requiring her to head back to Seattle after her visit with her father, it’s easy understand why they both err on the side of caution when it comes to intimacy. He works hard to show Allie that lasting relationships are not the mystical unicorn she believes them to be–even as he denies the depth of his own growing feelings for her–and despite the stubborn nature they both share, they’re a joy of a romantic couple overall.

Something Sweeter is predictable in the way all romances are, but as always with this genre, the characters themselves and their individual journey to happily ever after take precedence over the mystery of where the relationship is headed. Ms. Terry has written a romance full of sweetness and heart, and I look forward to going back and watching the previous two Wilder boys fall for their women just as Jesse fell for his.

Rating: 4/5

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This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. know.. just a random fact, Connor Cobalt uses darling as an endearment with Rose Calloway ;) Anyhow, so many people are loving this story about Jesse and Allison that I think I may very soon be reading my first Avon book :) I don't mind predictable as long as the characters make it worth my while and looks like this is exactly what happens here. Also JEsse? *SWOOOOOONS* I can't wait to meet this guy :) So happy you loved it, Jenny!

    1. Hehe, good to know Siiri:) Avon has some EPIC books you need to give them a try for sure. I'm not sure how you feel about historical romances, but if you like them, check out Tessa Dare:)

  2. I read the second book in this series because, you know second chance romance and friends to lovers but .. I never quite fell in love with it and ended up being pretty frustrated .-. Jesse; however, was basically my favorite character in the book and I am so glad you enjoyed his story!

    He and Allison sounds ADORABLE and I am sure their romance was incredible fun to watch develop.. especially since they were both in denial ;)

    Lovely review, Jenny!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    1. If you were a fan of him from the last book I think you'll enjoy his story Rashika! I really liked the two of them together:)

  3. I've heard so much about this book already from many readers in the community and I need this book in my life. I adore the sound of Jesse and his southern gentleman manners and I can tell that I'm going to absolutely love him. I do feel like I would experience some frustration towards Allison, but that's such a common occurrence with heroines in books for me, especially with contemporaries, so I don't think I should miss this one out for that! I think I would really like this book. :)
    Lovely review, Jenny!

    1. I love my husband Nick, I do, but I wouldn't sad if he were suddenly to morph into someone with that deep southern drawl. I also would not be opposed to an Irish or Scottish accent. That has nothing to do this book, it's just me tossing my love of accents out there ;-)

  4. *swoons*

    I do so love a fun, meddling family in romance books.

  5. Candis Terry writes such sweet romances! (Though they're usually not super-smexy...just sweet!)

    1. Yes they are! This was my first book by her, I'm excited to try more:)

  6. Darlin, this is such a fabulosu review. My luch with low-angst small town reads seems to have run out recently, which is something I need to fix asap! I'm addicted to those! This sounds like a great place to start. I love the sound of these meddling family members. A slow burn romance and good humor are pretty much all I need.

    1. *swoons* That word gets me every time ;-) I think you'll like his family Maja, they're a trip.

  7. I love everything you said about this Jenny and just know this will be added to my TBR pile. It is so hard for me to resist not only a good military man but a good ole country boy as well. ;)

    1. YAY! I can't say no to a military man or country boy either. Put them together? *dies*

  8. The cover is too cute!! :D

    And to answer the question on my blog. The book did not end well. It was heartbreaking and if you want happy, nooo

    1. Good to know. I'm going to take a pass on that book then:)

  9. I just love that cover!! I had to say that, but what I love more is Jesse! His love for family sounds so cute. I love him for that. I haven't met him, but give him a hug, girl! ;) I'm so glad you enjoyed this one and amazing review, Jenny :)

    1. JESSE!! I'm a big fan of him myself Tanja:)

  10. Believe it or not, but I never read an Avon book...XD I do own ''When Beauty Tamed The Beast'' but haven't read it yet. This sounds like a realistic book and it's really important since it's a contemporary. I do thing the cover is pretty and the plot enjoyable. Although, I don't know if I agree with all romances being predictable in their own way...Maybe with contemporaries but in fantasy/paranormal it's not that common. ^^ And I LOVE that about it. Anyway, lovely review as always, Jenny. :)

  11. Ugh, a smoldering southern gentleman? I'm sold. I don't actually read too many romances set in the South but I definitely need to and--you guessed it!--I'm adding this to my TBR at once. Lovely review, Jenny! :)

  12. Jesse sounds like a hunk--he can call me darlin' anytime. Wonderful review, Jenny!

  13. This sounds so cute! And the cover is adorable. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Jenny. I'm excited to meet Jesse ;)

  14. I don't think I can resist a smoldering, southern gentleman, Texas setting and slow-burn romance. And that cover - so cute. Wonderful review, Jenny :)

  15. I wish I would've started this series already!!This sounds so cute.

  16. I'd love to read this one of only for the Southern setting and the Texas drawl! I'm not quite ready to read romance books yet, but I know who to ask when I do!!
    Fantastic review, Jenny!

  17. "Jesse is as smoldering ex-military southern gentleman as they come . . . "

    Ooohhh? *blinks* That just sounds . . . perfect. YEP. Perfect ;) I agree that romances are mostly predictable, so I too rely on the characters to set a book apart, and it sounds like these definitely do. *adds to wishlist*

  18. Sounds like a classic summer read. :)

  19. This looks adorable! I need a sweet, southern, slow burn relationships in my life. Plus I like that it's the guy who is trying to show the heroine that relationships can last. Great review!
