Thursday, January 21, 2016

Review: Revenge and the Wild

Michelle Modesto
Young Adult/Western/Paranormal
384 pages
Balzer + Bray
Available February 2nd
Source: ARC from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
The two-bit town of Rogue City is a lawless place, full of dark magic and saloon brawls, monsters and six-shooters. But it’s perfect for seventeen-year-old Westie, the notorious adopted daughter of local inventor Nigel Butler.

Westie was only a child when she lost her arm and her family to cannibals on the wagon trail. Nine years later, Westie may seem fearsome with her foul-mouthed tough exterior and the powerful mechanical arm built for her by Nigel, but the memory of her past still haunts her. She’s determined to make the killers pay for their crimes—and there’s nothing to stop her except her own reckless ways.

But Westie’s search ceases when a wealthy family comes to town looking to invest in Nigel’s latest invention, a machine that can harvest magic from gold—which Rogue City desperately needs as the magic wards that surround the city start to fail. There’s only one problem: the investors look exactly like the family who murdered Westie’s kin. With the help of Nigel’s handsome but scarred young assistant, Alistair, Westie sets out to prove their guilt. But if she’s not careful, her desire for revenge could cost her the family she has now.

Revenge and the Wild is a dark and twisted tale, one full of blood and horror that won't soon be forgotten, but also one featuring a charmingly flawed heroine who brings a smile to our faces just when the darkness threatens to overwhelm.

Westie is the type of young woman who sends the gently bred ladies of her creature-infested town screaming in terror, a badass mechanical arm the perfect fit for her unapologetic attitude and delightfully foul mouth. She doesn't care what anyone thinks save those who are closest to her, is in possession of quite possibly the thinnest brain-to-mouth filter in existence, and to top it all off fights (and sometimes loses) a daily battle to stay sober. As a result of her addiction she often makes decisions we wish she wouldn't and seeks a magical cure for her alcoholism rather than trying to find the strength to do it on her own, but while those things may sound as though they would be frustrating for us as readers, the way in which Westie is written simply makes her feel human instead. She's a patchwork of impressive faults and inspiring strengths, and certainly one of the most memorable characters to ever strut across the pages of young adult fiction.

In addition to the dual mystery surrounding the arrival of cannibals in town and the major issue of magic disappearing from Westie's world, there's also the development of a friends to lovers romance between Westie and fellow cannibal-survivor Alistair. There are a number of guys who flit in and out of Westie's orbit in this tale, but her heart is Alistair's alone and their relationship is one full of the type of tension and pain that can only come from a longtime friendship on the cusp of something more. The romance definitely takes a backseat to the revenge plot, but it's prominent enough to give those like myself who live for a little swoon in their stories something to smile about.

Overall Revenge and the Wild will likely not be a story for everyone, the gore of the cannibal attacks paired with a protagonist who's a bull in the china shop of polite society a recipe that might turn a number of readers away, but there's something undeniably fascinating about the darkness of this world and its beautifully damaged inhabitants.

Rating: 4/5

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This book was sent to me by the publisher  free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. I'm really pleased to see a praising review for this one from you, Jenny. I was interested in this one so I'm glad you liked it.
    I love that the main character is so unapologetic and has no filter. I bet that makes for some funny scenes.
    The romance sounds lovely as well even if it's mostly in the background.
    Lovely review, Jenny!

    1. I really enjoyed Westie Nick, even if she didn't always make the best choices. She at least owned up to them every time, and I could respect that:)

      And I loved the romance!

  2. I hadn't heard of this book, but I'm totally loving Westie already!

    1. She was a win for me, really different from what I've been reading in YA lately and I loved that about her:)

  3. it's not something we read a lot about but it sounds definitely unique

    1. Unique is a good word for it! I just got sucked into this one:)

  4. I had heard about this book and it's in my list of debuts to read, but it wasn't one of those priority ones, but I cannot help but feel like a main character so flawed makes it now a must read for me!

    1. I loved Westie Pili! Like I said, she won't work for everyone, but she felt really human to me rather than too stupid to live.

  5. Um... a paranormal western? I think I need this book ASAP.

    1. Right? I so enjoyed this one, it wasn't quite what I expected going in and I couldn't put it down:)

  6. This one really didn't work so well for me. I didn't dislike everything but I just didn't connect with a good majority of it. It was certainly unique though. And I'm glad you liked it!

    1. This is going to be a polarizing read for sure Candace!

  7. I added this one a few weeks ago, and can't wait to read it. The conflicting reviews make me a little wary, but I must read this for myself. Great review!

    1. This is going to be a book that's love it or hate it. I don't think there will be a lot of middle ground, but it was all dark and twisty and interesting for me:)

  8. This is new to me but I already think I will really like Westie!

  9. "Thinnest brain-to-mouth filter" LOL, sometimes you just gotta say what you think! I had no idea about the addiction battle and dual mysteries. Wow, that's a lot to write about in a standalone. I will be honest that the cannibals are freaking me out.

    1. Westie has zero trouble saying what she thinks ;-) There was definitely a lot going on in this one, but it didn't feel like too much for me. The magic and cannibal storylines are at least linked, so the story didn't feel like it went off on random tangents.

  10. This sounds incredible this book. A bit of gore and cannibals has me intrigued definitely and I love that cover. Not sure about the western bit, but then again I haven't actually read anything like this before. Great review.

    1. The western bit isn't super prominent, it's more that the town she lives in has an Old West feel with it's saloons and things, but overall it's more paranormal with a touch of steampunk:)

  11. Wow great review! This one sounds even better than I had originally thought from the summary alone. I can't wait to read this one. :)

  12. The cannibals were disturbing to be sure Heidi, but I'm someone who curls into the fetal position at the slightest bit of gore, and I made it through:)

  13. Not my usual thing, but I may just have to try this one!

  14. Yours is the second positive review I've read for this one today Jenny, so if I wasn't already excited about this one before (and I was) well I certainly am now :D It sounds really unique and I'm always up for more of that!

  15. Um...Westie sounds like she could be my bestie.
