Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Top 10 Tuesday: 2016 Resolutions


A huge thanks to The Broke and the Bookish for hosting each week!

This will be the first time I've actually made New Year's resolutions, bookish or otherwise, so we'll see if I'm able to stick to them. I'm notoriously bad at following through with things like this, it's why I don't ever join reading challenges - for some reason the mere setting of goals makes something in me revolt and I end up failing (which is weird, because I can't function at work without a to-do list for each day). Also, I'm currently battling the flu, so I'm only going to do a top 3 list (look, I've failed already! *pats self on back*). Wish me luck everyone!


• Give myself a break. This sounds like a strange resolution to make, but I'm in my 6th year of blogging and I still put a lot of pressure on myself to maintain a certain blogging schedule. I did have to drop back to 2 reviews a week from 3 last year as work has been steadily increasing (yay!), but I'm still feeling a little bogged down by everything I try and do to keep up my presence in the blogging community. My goal then for 2016 is to not give myself such a hard time if I can only post 4 times a week instead of 5, or if I have to skip a day of commenting (so sorry everyone!) for blogger mental health purposes:)

Get to a few of the books I've been meaning to read FOREVER. Including, but not limited to:
  • The Others series by Anne Bishop (I've heard so many amazing things about Written in Red!) 
  • Uprooted by Naomi Novik (Um. Dragons. SOLD!)
  • The Red Rising trilogy by Pierce Brown (Why haven't I gotten to these yet?) 

•  Attend more bookish events. I'd been pretty good about this up until last year when I just couldn't motivate myself to attend anything book-related aside from BEA. Here in Ohio we get a good number of authors coming through (though most go to Cincinnati or Dayton instead of Columbus, so it's about a 1-2 hour drive each way), and last year I missed out on some outstanding events. I'm going to start at a reasonable number and say I need to go to at least 3.

I have joined a book club for the very first time with a few of my blogger friends (thank you Nick!), and we'll be reading our first book this month so I'm excited. Yay for trying new things in 2016!

If you've set any bookish goals for yourself in 2016, I'd love for you to share them in the comments!


  1. Good luck with your resolutions, Jenny! I think you do a fabulous job with posting reviews and commenting regularly (unlike me, lol) and think you definitely earn the right to little breaks now and then.

    Oh, and you need to read Uprooted. You're going to love it!

    1. Thanks Z! I can't wait to get to Uprooted. I'm making time for that this year for sure:)

  2. Wow 6 years! Congrats. I plan on slowing down too (which is easier now that I blog with Nick) and make blogging and reading fun again.
    Good luck!

    1. I know, I can't believe it's been 6 years. I think all of us who have been blogging for a while have started scaling back a little. Blogging is a lot of work!

  3. I'm hoping to go to more bookish events in 2016 too. I had this epiphany a few days ago that I'm now living in an area with a much higher density of events, and I need to take advantage.

    Best wishes with your resolutions throughout the year!

    1. I went to a ton in 2014 and then last year I was all "I'm not sure I feel like driving". I was in hermit mode:) I hope you make it to more this year as well!

  4. Oh yes you need to read the Bishop one! I so love this series!

  5. YAY for book clubs!! I am also part of a virtual book club with bloggy friends and it's a lot of fun!

    Book events are the most fun and I wish I had more closer to me! Glad to hear you plan to attend more! And we need to hang out at BEA again this year for sure!

    Also... BIG YES TO READING BOTH THE OTHERS SERIES THAT IS AMAZING AND YOU'LL LOVE IT TO BITS as well as the Red Rising trilogy (which ends this year so you'll save yourself awful cliffy waits!) ;)

    1. I can't wait to read The Others Pili, I have no doubt I'll love it:) AND YES TO BEA!!!! We'll talk more when it gets closer and put a plan together:)

  6. OOoh nice ones!! I need to do some of these as well!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Great goals Jenny and I agree, we all need a break now and then. I know I really enjoyed mine over the holidays and it was so nice to not have to worry about it. ;)
    Good luck with all of these!!

    1. I really enjoyed my time off for the holidays too, it's nice to not have to worry about formatting posts or commenting. I love commenting, but it takes me at least an hour every day!

  8. I love your resolutions, especially the first one. I feel the same way! I definitely want to put less pressure on myself in 2016.

  9. I with you on 2 of those, Jenny. I definitely need to learn to give myself a break which has honestly gotten a whole lot better now that I'm with Nereyda, but I still tend to pressure myself. There are days when I don't want to go around commenting like I do on a daily basis and I need to tell myself that that's perfectly okay.

    I badly want to read The Others series and the Red Rising trilogy as well. Would you be up for a buddy read for those by any chance? :)

    As for the book events, it's one of my life goals to go to one. Unfortunately, it's not possible this year.

    And yayy for trying new things! I'm honored you chose to join my club! It should be fun! <3

    Good luck with all of these, Jenny!

    1. I hear you Nick. I always feel guilty if I'm unable to comment or post one day. I'm not even sure if anyone notices but me, but I still feel like I've let people down!

      Can't wait to buddy read The Others with you:)

  10. I have the Anne Bishop books and you will love them. I have you to thank for giving them to me to read. Yea for book club. You know how I love mine. I think you will enjoy it and lastly give yourself a break--- well deserved!

  11. I try each year to tell myself I will write discussion posts, have people over, and then, eh, so much pressure, I do it for fun so I keep it like it is :)

    1. Haha that sounds familiar! I do that too, but I just have to keep reminding myself this is a hobby:)

  12. I'm just like you, even though I'm a list person it seems like once I say I'm going to do something or join a challenge I suddenly just can't seem to do it.
    Last year I told myself to worry less about the blog and how much I post/review. I cut back on reading and relaxed but I don't know what happened, I just wasn't having a great reading year. Then I started working at the bookstore in September and suddenly I felt my love of reading coming back and through the fall and December I really connected with reading again. I think maybe it's because now I get most of my ARC's from work and there's no pressure. There's no publicist asking if I read it/reviewed it yet. I can review it, or not. So now I want to read all the books again! I didn't realize how much had changed before until I felt that feeling of feeling like I'd found my love of reading again.
    I hope you feel better!

    1. That's definitely how I've been feeling this past year Candace. Just nothing was clicking for me, I don't know why. I took a break from YA and read romance which helped, but I've still been having trouble getting motivated to read. I'm hoping that will change this year:)

  13. You certainly deserve to give yourself a break my friend! Your blog is awesome and after 6 years I think you've earned the right to chill a bit :) I hope that you'll love Uprooted as much as I did and I'm also planning on reading Red Rising soon this year! Sadly this year I doubt I'll be attending any bookish events, now that BEA moved so far away but hopefully some bookish events will come to Canada or NY again soon enough. Best of luck with all your bookish goals for the year! xx

    1. Thanks so much Micheline! I'm really excited for both Uprooted and Red Rising, everyone seems to have loved both. I don't think I've read any less than gushing reviews:)

  14. Hey, 3 resolutions to work toward are better than none! And they're three good ones too :) All the best, Jenny!

    1. Haha you're right Aylee, I'm on a roll ;-)

  15. *poke* you going to BEA this year?

    1. I AM!!!! Will you be there too? We'll have to meet:)

  16. I agree completely. It's hard to be as gung-ho about reading and blogging after all this time, but I still love it too much to walk away completely. I just need to allow myself a more manageable schedule:)

  17. LOL, yes to those books in your TBR pile...I am right there with you :)

  18. Great resolutions! I want to read the Red Rising books, too. Feel better soon, Jenny!

  19. Awww I'm sorry to hear you're currently battling the flu. I hope you feel better soon.

    I'm aiming to get around to reading a few books I've been looking to read for a long time this year as well. I just need to resist the temptation of all the shiny new books coming out.

  20. Fantastic resolutions, Jenny! I definitely want to attend more bookish events as well and, girl, get on those books! Uprooted, Red Rising, and The Others are all SO GOOD! I know you'll love them so I'm excited for you to finally pick them up this year. :)

  21. I felt guilty last year for not posting frequently and I hope to get back to my normal blogging schedule. My biggest resolution for this year is to better manage my time. Good luck on your goals for 2016, Jenny!

  22. We're awful at that, aren't we? We blame other factors for the pressure, but it's all on us. I do hope you'll have so much more fun this year, Jenny! And yay for more work! You are brilliant, so of course. Duh.

  23. Yeah for new resoltutions and fun changes! Wow,congrats on six amazing years, Jenny. I love the idea of a book club as well and hope you enjoy it. Reading older books and missed series is on my list for sure. Good luck on your 2016 goals :)

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  25. Oh, I hope you feel better now, Jenny. My kids got flu in December too. I’m the same about year resolutions and challenges, but I’m thinking to make my list for this year like you. I totally support “give yourself a break” point. Your blog should bring you positive emotions, not stress you out. I’m currently reading Uprooted, and I like it so far. I hope you would like it too. And I haven’t read The Others series either, glad to hear I’m not the only one to be so late with this series. Hopefully I’ll be able to read it this year. And yay for attending more bookish events! I hope you would post updates, so I can vicariously visit them with you. Good luck with your goals.

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