Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: Dream On

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a fun way to see what books other bloggers just can't wait to get their hands on!

The Silver Trilogy #2
Kerstin Gier
Paranormal Young Adult
Releases May 2016 from Henry Holt BFYR

From Edelweiss:

Things seem to be going well for Liv Silver: she's adjusting to her new home (and her new family) in London; she has a burgeoning romance with Henry Harper, one of the cutest boys in school; and the girl who's been turning her dreams into nightmares, Anabel, is now locked up. But serenity doesn't last for long.

It seems that Liv's troubles are far from over--in fact, suddenly they're piling up. School gossip blogger Secrecy knows all of Liv's most intimate secrets, Henry might be hiding something from her, and at night Liv senses a dark presence following her through the corridors of the dream world. Does someone have a score to settle with Liv?

Romance, adventure, and danger abound in Dream On, the second book in the Silver Trilogy.

I thoroughly enjoyed last year's Dream a Little Dream and Kerstin's Ruby Red trilogy before it, so I'm really looking forward to this second installment. One of my favorite thing about Kerstin's books is her sense of humor, something a bit unexpected since all of her books are translated from I believe the original German, but her snarky sense of humor is present and accounted for in this series and she always makes me smile with her characters.

Those of you who read this blog with any frequency know I don't care for stories where one romantic partner is keeping secrets from the other, it causes me stress, but Kerstin's books tend to be lower-key on the relationship angst (it's still present, but it's never the kind that makes you want to beat your head against a wall) so I'm not too worried about it. So ready for May!


  1. Nice! Loving this cover! I still need to read the first book, but hoping to get around to that and her first trilogy soonish!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Great pick! I haven't read the first book, but I will have to check it out b/c it definitely seems like something I'd enjoy!

    1. I hope you do Christina, I so love her books!

  3. I haven't read this one yet, but I might give it a try when the last book comes out!
    These covers are so pretty. If you can tolerate the romance, then I think I should be fine too, hopefully! :)

    1. I'm only mildly concerned about it in this second book, her books are usually pretty low key on the relationship drama:) Shouldn't have any hair-pulling out moments!

  4. The cover is soooo gorgeous!! I still need to read Emerald Green and then get started on this series, but good to have you ahead of me to know what I'm getting myself into! ;) Low angst for the win! ;)

  5. I definitely agree on the low romantic angst in Gier's books. I liked the cast of characters in this book and I'm curious as to where she will take her story next. I just hope it doesn't end in a cliffhanger.

    1. I'm hoping the same. I have so little patience for cliffhangers these days!

  6. Beautiful cover! I so need to read this series Jenny, it looks good and I know if you love them I will too. I hope this ends up being a fabulous read for you and everything you want out of it. :D

    1. I hope the same Ali! I'm excited for this one:)

  7. Yes! I can't wait for this one! I love her books and her characters are fantastic!

  8. I can't stand it when the romantic partner is keeping secrets from the other either Jenny, but I'm glad that the first book in this series has worked well for you. I hope you end up enjoying Dream on too :)

    1. It causes me so much stress Jasprit! I don't think it will be an issue in this one though, usually her books are relatively angst-free:)

  9. I haven’t read this series; I tend to avoid books translated in English from other languages. English is not my first language as it is. But I glad to hear that you enjoyed this installment, Jenny. I like books with humor too.

    1. I've been really impressed with the translations Ksenia, the humor comes through really well:)

  10. Fabulous cover!!! I need to read the first on in this series. Here's my WoW

  11. Oh looks good. I think I want it as well. I have the same worries as you about secrets. So frustrating!!

    1. Secrets are the worst Melissa! At least between romantic partners. I can handle family secrets and what not.

  12. I haven't read Dream a Little Dream yet Jenny, but I'Ve had Ruby Red on my tbr shelf for awhile now. I want to read that one first but from what you said here^^ I definitely want to get to this series afterwards :D

  13. What an amazing cover (again) and I still need to read the first book, but this is such a gorgeous cover that makes me want to jump to it now :)

  14. This looks fabulous! The cover is gorgeous. <3

  15. Yes, all her books have been like that which I really enjoy:)

  16. She has a great sense of humor doesn't she? Love the sister relationship in this one:)

  17. I haven't read the first one, so I might check it out someday. :D I do hope you'll enjoy this, Jenny!
