Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: True Born

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a fun way to see what books other bloggers just can't wait to get their hands on!

True Born #1
L.E. Sterling
Young Adult/Dystopian
Available May 2016 from Entangled Teen

From Goodreads:

Welcome to Dominion City.

After the great Plague descended, the world population was decimated...and their genetics damaged beyond repair.

The Lasters wait hopelessly for their genes to self-destruct. The Splicers pay for expensive treatments that might prolong their life. The plague-resistant True Borns are as mysterious as they are feared…

And then there's Lucy Fox and her identical twin sister, Margot. After endless tests, no one wants to reveal what they are.

When Margot disappears, a desperate Lucy has no choice but to put her faith in the True Borns, led by the charismatic Nolan Storm and the beautiful but deadly Jared Price. As Lucy and the True Borns set out to rescue her sister, they stumble upon a vast conspiracy stretching from Dominion’s street preachers to shady Russian tycoons. But why target the Fox sisters?

As they say in Dominion, it’s in the blood.

WHAT ARE THEY YOU GUYS?! I have to know what Lucy and her twin sister are and how they fit into this plague-infested, genetically-damaged world. I'm mildly concerned about the possibility of a love triangle given the mention of both Nolan and Jared, but I'm hoping it's going to work out to where we maybe get two romances–one for each sister–instead of one drama-fueled triangle. *fingers crossed*


  1. THIS BOOK LOOKS SO COOL. I totally agree with you about the love triangle aspect, though. Two romances would be much better than a messy fight for only one of the sisters.

  2. Maybe it'll be a love square. lol.

  3. I really like this cover, Jenny and the story sounds good too. I'm with you on the romance! Fingers crossed it's a boy for each girl. That would make for a great read I think! :)
    Lovely pick, Jenny!

  4. Once I read the name of the two guys my brain jumped to "love triangle" and I would not be too keen on that, but I'm hoping that your idea will be the one!

    And it sounds like a very interesting dystopian to keep in mind! Thank you for putting it on my radar!

  5. Oooh interesting! That's a new to me one! Hope you enjoy it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Love the cover! This one is new to me, so thanks for putting it on my radar. I have been really picky about which YA dystopians I read, but this one sounds promising!

  7. Hmm, I think I remember seeing this one before. Hope you enjoy it when you read it!

    My WoW

  8. I don't think I've heard of this one yet. Now I'm dying to know what happens!! Great pick!! Here's my WoW

  9. I haven't had a great run with dystopians, Jenny, so I really hope this one will break my rut! I wonder if they're mutants. I'm curious about the antlers too. I really hope there is no love triangle or square for that matter.

  10. The thing about mysteries is that my natural curiosity always takes complete hold of my life! JENNY, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE?! WHAT'S GOING ON?? WHERE IS MARGOT?! I must know ALL the things! Thanks for bringing this one to my attention my friend :D

  11. Ooo an adult dystopian, I love it already!

  12. I hadn't even heard of this yet, but this sounds good. I'm also super curious!

  13. This sounds SO GOOD! Great pick!! I also adore the simple, yet stunning, cover!! :)

  14. This does sound interesting... plus that cover really sets the stage. Curious as well!

  15. You always find such interesting books Jenny, it sounds fabulous!

  16. Psst..I still love the dystopian genre so this is on my wishlist.

  17. This sounds so interesting! The cover is so cool. It's been a while since I've read a dystopian!

  18. Lovely cover! Sounds interesting, too!

  19. Hmmm... This one sounds creepy, haunting, and interesting. Not a fan of the cover though. I hope you love it :)
