Friday, January 15, 2016

Meet and Greet Weekend! (Update)

Happy Friday Everyone!

This week has been a busy week for me work-wise, so I don't have any bookish content to share with you today. Blogger fail. Instead, I thought I'd do a quick personal post as my husband and I have a very exciting weekend ahead of us.

Most of you know that we lost both our boxers to cancer last year, their losses coming ten months apart and effectively bringing us to our knees as they meant the world to us. In the middle of all the loss though we rescued Gracie, our 3 year-old pit bull of ridiculousness, and she continues to be a bright spot for the two of us.

I've always loved having two dogs in our home, and while Gracie has been truly amazing about being an only child these past couple months, the house still feels eerily quiet to both of us at times and we miss all the silly moments that come with dogs being dogs together. I've been searching our local rescues for a while now to try and find a good fit for us and Gracie, and this weekend we're meeting with two potential new family members! *HAPPY DANCE*

We met with another just before Christmas and he unfortunately wasn't the best match for our family, but I have high hopes for this weekend. Tonight we're meeting with a 2.5 year-old pit bull named Lukas and I couldn't be more excited. LOOK AT HIS SMILING FACE!!! I'm madly in love with him already, so I've got all my fingers crossed that he loves us just as much.

On Saturday we're meeting with Eddie, a 1-ish year-old Staffordshire Terrier (in the pit bull family) and I think he's ridiculously adorable as well. From the information the rescues have provided on both I think Lukas is of a temperament comparable to Gracie's (a bit more laid back), whereas Eddie is more energetic and high strung. Kevin and I did high-strung for 9 years with Gatsby and Griffin, and while we loved them beyond words, we want our newest addition to fit with Gracie, so at the moment we're leaning more toward Lukas. I can't wait to meet both though, so wish us luck! Hopefully one of these handsome boys will be joining our family soon:)


*sigh* So this weekend didn't go as well as Kevin and I had hoped. Lukas, while sweet and absolutely gorgeous, turned out to be the very opposite of laid back. It was pure chaos from the moment he got out of his lovely foster mother's car, and his sole goal once he met Gracie was to tackle her to the ground and not let her up. She held her own for a while, but we kept having to pull him off her and it was clear that after about a half hour it stopped being fun for her.

Eddie, conversely, turned out to be much calmer than expected, but still a bit higher energy than we're looking for. He was an absolute sweetheart though, so hopefully he finds the best home in the world soon.

Kevin and I know we're being really picky with this adoption, both Lukas and Eddie are amazing dogs deserving of great homes, they just unfortunately were not the right fit for us. We're feeling a little defeated and are going to put a temporary hold on our search for a new family member, but hopefully the right dog for us will turn up soon!


  1. Oh my gosh look at those faces, gorgeous! I really hope one of them will be a great fit for your family Jenny!! Please let us know what happens!!

  2. I hope you'll find the one you're waiting for my friend! They're so cute!

  3. Look at those totally adorable faces!! I hope that you guys will meet Gracie's perfect brother and will once again have a silly & adorable dynamic duo at home!
    Big hugs!!

  4. Awww! They are so, so cute! I hope it goes well!

  5. So exciting, Jenny! And Lukas is super adorable. I hope everything goes well this weekend! :D

  6. Oh my goodness, Jenny! Look at those cute little faces. Best of luck this weekend and I hope everything works out for the best for you, your husband, Gracie and whoever the lucky guy is. :) Keep us updated!!

  7. Oh my gosh this is such happy news^^ Oh good luck this weekend Jenny and I hope you find a friend for Gracie :D I've always had two cats too so I can relate to wanting to add another member to your family! Please keep us updated <3

  8. Such gorgeous faces and smiles! I hope you find your next friend for your family. Gracie sounds like a wonderful dog and I hope you find the perfect match :)

    Happy Friday, Jenny!

  9. I do think animals are happier with they have a buddy.
    A compatible buddy, though. I hope one of these two work out! Good luck with your meet and greet, Jenny! :)

  10. P.S. You should read Burned! I enjoyed it even with all the Dani issues. There are a few amazing moments between Ryodan and Dani, and I think we're getting on the right page with them, but of course, KMM will make us work for it first. Ryodan is already there, IMO. Oh, and you're missing out on all the sexiness that was Lor!! Oh my stars! ;)

  11. Oh they are both adorable. I hope the meetings go well and you find a great match for Gracie!

  12. Oh Jenny, it warms my heart to see you pursuing these rescue dogs (specifically pitbulls) and giving them a much needed second chance. Well done you!! I hope you find the perfect fit and can come up with another good G name for your new pup.

  13. Oh they are adorable! I am so glad that you are doing rescue of pit bulls because they have such a bad rap (and the Staffordshire is close enough, most people don't see the difference and just frown about it). Since you have experience with big dogs you know what you're getting into with them (though they aren't 'big' big, they are strong, etc) and are the perfect fit. They definitely need good trailing, etc. We had a pitbull and she was lovely but unfortunately we had to find her a new home when we were in a tough living situation. That was years ago now but we still have fond memories.
    I can't wait to hear who you get (if either of these) and how things go!

  14. WOO HOO! Congrats on your newest addition to the family. I'm hoping that one of them works so well for you. They both have adorable faces!! *sends lots of virtual doggie treats*

  15. They are both so adorable! Huge congrats on the new addition! Good luck, Jenny!

  16. CUTE! I hope one of them work out for you. I have a 12 year old pit who has been one of the best dogs I've ever had. And I've had highly intelligent, expensive hunting dogs. While my pit was rescue puppy.

  17. They are both so lovely on these photos, Jenny. I hope one of them would be a friend you are looking for. Please keep us updated.

  18. I'm so sorry this didn't work out for you but you'll know when it's right for all of you and it will have been worth the wait! (in retrospect because I know it sucks right now)

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  19. Sorry it didn't work out, but don't get disheartened! The perfect fit will come along. Good luck!

  20. I'm so sorry to hear neither of the doggies were the right fit for you guys! Hopefully you'll find the right brother or sister for Gracie soon!

  21. Aw, Jenny, I'm sorry neither dog turned out to be a good fit for your family. I hope both can find great homes, and I'm sure you'll find one that's right for you soon.

  22. Oh Jenny, I'm sorry to hear that this weekend didn't work out, but I'm sure it was for the best and that somewhere out there your perfect doggie is just waiting to be adopted by you and your husband. Soon!

  23. You HAVE to be picky with someone who's going to come and live with you forever. He or she needs to also match the other furry critter who's already living there. It's so hard, because there are so many pups who need good homes, but you're doing it the right way! There's someone out there for you, I just know it!
